Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Dec. 28, 2005

Hi Everyone!!!! We are finally back online after not having a computer for 2 weeks!!! Boy was I bored without my computer!!! Everyone needs to learn from my mistake and get good virus protection!!! I had some photos on the computer that I had not yet burned to a cd when it crashed but thankfully they were able to recover them for me but just remember to burn your photos onto cds b/c there was a big chance that I could have lost Will's 2nd birthday photos and other great photos forever!

We had a GREAT Christmas and really enjoyed getting to see everyone!! We are now drowning in toys around here. Time to clean out for another yard sale! If I had time I will try to add so photos later.


Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Dec. 6, 2005

I adready missed yesterday but I am trying to keep it up!!! Thanks Amy for commenting and checking in with us! Hope you are going to get you and Kevin a blog!!

We didn't do anything much yesterday it was cold and raining so we just hung out here and cleaned up the house. Cade went to school this morning and me and Will went to Sav-a-life and worked in the clothe closet. Then we went and picked Cade up and met dad at the pizza place. Now Will is taking a nap and Cade is watching tv. Well I know this one is boring but that is all that is going on in our lives today. Here are some recent photos of the boys.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Dec. 4, 2005

I am going to try this out and see if I can keep it up! I am not good with keeping a journal but I think this would be fun! It will also be a good way for my family and friend to keep updated on our family.

So here it goes.

I have just put the boys to bed and Boyd is at the Atlanta airport picking John and Jenny up from their New York trip. They were suppose to fly into Montgomery at 4:20 pm our time but as you see it is 8:00 pm our time and Boyd is just now trying to find them in the Atlanta airport!!!! We have had a long busy day today. First we go up and went to church then grabbed a bite to eat and headed of the meet mom to pick up the boys who got to stay with nonna this weekend! Got home and Jenny called and Boyd left a little before 5:00pm and then mimi came and picked up Cade and took him to church and then to eat at pickadilly(sp?) She said he ate alot and mom said he ate alot over the weekend at her house! Hope he is not going through a BIG growth spurt b/c I can't afford to buy him a whole new winter wardrobe!!!!! By the way just read this the best you can I am NO writer trust me I can't spell and sometimes write in the wrong words. So sorry if it does not make any sense I am ust trying to help everyone who does get to see us as much as you would like to have a chance to know what is going on in our lives. I am going to try to post photos of what going on here also.